Tag Archive: communionism

I am working now for editing two books on the theme of society tomorrow, after capitalism:

  1. In The economic theory of Communionism I will present the “engine” of the new economic and social system. This is called INTEREST and it will replace the engine of capitalism, called CAPITAL. I presented a preface of this theory in my blog Manifest-Will be revolution, in the chapters:
  2. or the presentations Manifest-Will be revolution!(video and pps)

  3. The Communionism and society, which will present major structural changes in society, changes caused by global revolution and the adoption of the new values, Common House, Common Market and Common Laws! On my blog Manifest-Will be revolution, I provides a preliminary overview in the chapters:

Fragments of the two papers will be published on the communionism’s blog!

World, wake up! Obama made the first step!
Congratulation Obama!

As I had written two years ago (2008) on my blog Attitude-Will be revolution:
“The world crisis is a system crisis and it means the twilight of capitalism. The new era is the communionism and this means the common house, the common market and the common laws.
The capitalism is blocked and the world needs a jump, a revolution!

Please see my presentation on youtube “The world crisis, the twilight of capitalism and the new era”:
part I

and part II

In the second movie part, I presented the two ways for revolution:
The first way is the velvet revolution (an office revolution or government revolution) and means the change of the states and the change of the world system! The United States made this first step to the new era, the Reform of American Health Care System.
The second way is the social revolution!
Attention to Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, China, India!
I consider that the one of the most important event in 2009 was
“The US reform, begun by President Obama with the US
Take a look at the United States!
This was the first step in the velvet revolution! It cost 900 billion usd!
My estimate total cost of crisis is more to 40000 billion usd.
The next step is the financial-bank system reform!
Congratulation Obama and good luck!
We are here, in Romania, out of the world!!!